On The Fire Escape, In The Afternoon

By Charlie Rinehart-Jones

Don’t look at me

I am new and born today

Dreaming has changed me

The night has 

Melted off all my influences

I saw the big sky turn over twice in the day

Why did it come as a surprise?

Please don’t kill the bug 

I do not care for it 

But it just feels so wrong now

Yesterday I held the mortal coil

Today I am drinking water

I caught a glance of the twentysomethings

I caught a glance at the inch deep rain

I glimpsed at the mirror and I looked just okay

This isn’t heresy I want lunch

Sorry about this morning I was so young

I want a badly behaved visitor and a bedtime 

I had another dream about the valley

I saw you there 

I saw the shit dirt cough up on us

In a windstorm

I saw us get clean

I saw something

I thanked the highwayman 

I admire the birdwatcher

I envy the fisherman

I am thankful for the sweet justice of canceling plans

But mostly glad that I can

Look at you and say 

I’m happy you’re here

That it is only the afternoon

And most of the day is yet to come

About the Author

Charlie Rinehart-Jones was raised not far from Columbia University in Hamilton Heights, New York. They received a Bachelor of Arts from Oberlin College in Cinema Studies and Politics. 


Mermaid’s Cave


Notes on Discontent: Instagram, Desire, and the Digital Nomad